


Product range:
Pale-headed rosella
Eastern rosella
Rainbow lorikeet
Scaly-breasted lorikeet
Dollar bird
Boobook owl
Brushtail possum
Brushtail vertical
Ringtail possum
Squirrel glider
Sugar glider

Cockatiel nestbox

ozbox4.gif (658 bytes)

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Like rosellas, cockatiels can produce a large clutch of up to 6 chicks.

They are an inland bird with a wide distribution.

The photo was taken in Dalby on the Darling Downs where cockatiels are suffering immense competition for nest sites from starlings and Indian mynas.


The adjacent sketch shows the dimensions which we have found to be quite suitable for cockatiels.

These are probably the best, general-purpose dimensions for a nestbox, having been used by rosellas, cockatiels, lorikeets, boobook owls, dollar birds and brushtail and ringtail possums.

rosella box.gif (1944 bytes)

Click here for information on prices.



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